Little birds – Leveraging Twitter to serve your business
Rhonda Percell, CEO (Chief Everything Officer)
Everyone talks about Twitter, mainly following certain people on Twitter. But how do you actually use it for more than that? For years social media experts have advocated the use of tweets to boost your visitors and SEO, but how do you accomplish this? There’s not a lot of space to write which makes coming up with effective posts pretty challenging. Let’s look at some ways to get people to flock to your Twitter page.
Be authentic

There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Write the way you talk.
  2. Write in the voice of an appropriate persona.


If you are comfortable writing in your own voice and feel that it matches your business, then this would be the recommended course since the writing would flow rather easily. If you think your natural writing style sounds too informal (or too formal) or just a little dry, it might be time to create a different “business” voice. Note that this doesn’t mean stuffy or overly serious. You want your readers to look forward to your next post and, if possible, so do you!


Writing in a made-up voice can be very liberating and actually help you write faster and better. If you have a hard time creating a different voice, visit a blog you like and notice the writing style. Is it humorous? Maybe the author is super intelligent but circumvents an egotistical tone with a little bit of self-effacing remarks that keep things in balance. Whatever makes writing deliciously readable is good. Experiment with your own alternate styles and get some feedback from a friend or trusted associate to feel-out the best iteration. It’s okay to have a little fun with your new “character”. If you enjoy blasting out tweets with this voice your followers will likely enjoy reading them.


However you choose to write, keep maintaining a consistent brand in mind.


Add value

With only 280 characters to run with, Twitter writers have as much space to lift off as a jet fighter taking off of an air craft carrier. Unless a Twitter account is a celebrity posting what they had for lunch, the bottom line of business tweets needs to add value to the reader’s day. Does that air craft carrier feel even smaller now? No worries! Here’s some business-style ideas to get your Twitter marketing crusade of the ground:

  • Share useful links
  • Send thank-you responses to followers who retweet your content
  • Lists
  • Behind-the-scenes at your business
  • Product review
  • Interesting statistics
  • Funny anecdote
  • Breaking news
  • Motivational quote
  • Offer advice or help to followers
“My Mission in life is not merely to survive, but to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” -Maya Angelou
Create a stand-out bio

Even with the doubled tweet lengths added in 2017, we still need to leverage every bit of space we can since the 280 character limit still has its restrictions. This is why your Twitter bio is essential. Maximize the efficacy of this area with short-and-sweet descriptors and a link to your website.


Create a sense of community

No matter the number of followers you have, engage with them and ask them to pass on your posts. This makes readers feel a part of what you do and encourages loyalty to your brand. Be sure to thank anyone who retweets or gives you great comments.

Include photos and video

With the short space you have to work with, videos and photos can add volumes to well-matched words. Photos and videos receive far more views than tweets that only contain text.

Happy tweeting!